Interview: Mike Kuster

What sparked your interest in pursuing a career in music initially? Was there a specific moment or experience that fueled your passion?

I can still picture the moment! My dad took me to see a friend singing with his band. The friend was Benny Dean, and his band was The Blackjacks. They performed all over the Mid-Atlantic, but were based out of the Washington, D.C. area. That performance had me hooked. I wanted to play fiddle and sing honky tonk music like Benny Dean.

Could you characterize your musical style and the genre(s) you associate with? Are there specific artists or musicians who have played a significant role in shaping your sound?

I am about as country as you can get. I grew up listening to classic country music at my grandparents’ home, and Outlaw country and 80’s country music at home. When I got to high school, the neo-traditional Country sound had taken over, which I love. So, my influences include Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn, Conway Twitty, Merle Haggard, Tom T. Hall, etc. My favorites as I came into my own are Randy Travis, Alan Jackson, Clint Black, Garth Brooks, and Toby Keith.

Share with us the inspiration behind your most recent single. What triggered the creative process for this specific piece?

There’s a road in the neighboring county called Frog Eye Road. As a kid, I thought that was such a great name and sounded like a country song. Then, I found out there was an annual event there called the Frog Eye Mud Bog. I knew I had to write a song about that. It was such a great event and just has that name I love. So, this song is all about that most country of country events on a road with the most country name I can imagine.

In what way do you anticipate your latest song resonating with your existing fan base and attracting new listeners? What message or emotions do you aim for listeners to glean from the song?

“Frog Eye Mud Bog” is just pure fun! I want everyone to enjoy the song and really feel the good times of a good old country tradition like that mud bog. This is a song about friendship, fun, and having a good time. Everyone can relate to that!

How does this track contribute to the overarching narrative or theme of your upcoming album or project?

“Frog Eye Mud Bog” is part of my album Country So Fresh You Have To Check Your Boots, which explores a man going through relationship issues and taking comfort in memories of home. This song, along with a few others, takes the listener and the subject back home to a way of life that brought joy and happiness. Folks can relate to that and it plays well going from a hurtin’ song to fun songs like this.

Maintaining creativity and motivation can be challenging. Do you have any rituals or habits that you find instrumental in sustaining your artistic drive?

Music is my escape and my happy place. So, diving into music helps me relax and find peace. My biggest challenge is usually setting aside time to write, but most of the good stuff just comes to me when I least expect it. I’ve dreamt songs and had to write them down when I wake up. “Frog Eye Mud Bog” was an idea I had for a long time that finally just came to me while we were in the studio recording tracks for my first album.

Do you have any upcoming projects or releases that you’re particularly enthusiastic about? Can you offer any teasers or details?

I am busy on the road this summer. So, I haven’t had any time in the studio. I had really hoped to have an album done this year, but it doesn’t look like we’ll get that done. I do have some great songs written for the next album. I turn 50 this November. So, I do have a song that I hope to have recorded, edited, mastered, and out to streaming services by then.

Other than that, I plan to send “Mountain Streams and Autumn Leaves” to radio in the fall. I really love the way that song and the music video turned out for that one.

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