Interview: Marie Claire Giraud

What sparked your interest in pursuing a career in music initially? Was there a specific moment or experience that fueled your passion?

The mother says I sang before I spoke so I was born to do this.
Yes it was the first time I ever sang at a open mic night in NYC. The moment the very minute I got on stage and touched the mic I knew I found my calling. At the very moment I grew the roots of a oak or red wood tree and my faith in my path was unshaken and remains so.

Could you characterize your musical style and the genre(s) you associate with? Are there specific artists or musicians who have played a significant role in shaping your sound?

I sing The Great American Songbook and I have created a show entitled, The Great American Songbook at the Movies.
Ella Fitzgerald speaks to my soul because at a time when it was easy being a black woman in America, you never heard it in her voice .
Leontyne Price and Shirley Verrett are titans in the opera world that have paved the way for myself and so many artists of color in the classical world.

Share with us the inspiration behind your most recent single. What triggered the creative process for this specific piece?

I wrote CHASIN’ RAINBOWS at a time when I was feeling down and it’s a song about never ever ever ever giving up on one’s dreams EVER. Because no matter how dark it gets or how hard the rain falls there is always a rainbow.

In what way do you anticipate your latest song resonating with your existing fan base and attracting new listeners? What message or emotions do you aim for listeners to glean from the song?

I believe CHASIN’ RAINBOWS will resonate with my existing fans and new listening because we need encouragement, motivation and upliftmemt.
The aim of CHASIN’ RAINBOWS is about never giving up on your dreams no matter what.

How does this track contribute to the overarching narrative or theme of your upcoming album or project?

CHASIN’S RAINBOWS is the cornerstone of my album because it’s a song to motivate, inspire and uplift .

Maintaining creativity and motivation can be challenging. Do you have any rituals or habits that you find instrumental in sustaining your artistic drive?

I meditate every day to keep my mind, body and spirit as one which makes me able to present my best possible self to my audience .
My creative has been built on years of watching classic cinema, a deep love fashion, archeaology that has created my one of a kind sound and creative outlook.

Do you have any upcoming projects or releases that you’re particularly enthusiastic about? Can you offer any teasers or details?

I will be recording my Jazz EP with Lee Musiker.
I will be recording my opera EP this summer .

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