Interview: David Raybuck

What sparked your interest in pursuing a career in music initially? Was there a specific moment or experience that fueled your passion?

I’d be lying if I told you that my teenage interest in girls didn’t play a part in that. I had already fallen in love with music, and when I was 13 my dad bought me a guitar and I discovered that I had a passion for it. After learning how to play other people’s songs, I realized I could write a decent tune and I figured that if others could do it, so could I. In light of that and the fact that I was the shortest and scrawniest kid in my grade and needed all the help I could get with the ladies, it certainly gave me a lot of motivation to pursue music.

Could you characterize your musical style and the genre(s) you associate with? Are there specific artists or musicians who have played a significant role in shaping your sound?

Overall it mostly falls under the alternative rock label, and you’ll also hear some folk, grunge, Americana, and indie vibes in it. I am intentional about writing songs that don’t all sound the same because I get bored of music that doesn’t contain much variety. That’s one of the reasons I like Ween so much, because they are about as diverse as it gets. I’ve also been heavily influenced by Radiohead, The Beatles, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Led Zeppelin, Elliot Smith, Supergrass, Air, Failure and many others. My most recent singles that will ultimately be part of my second album are good examples of the different styles I incorporate.

Share with us the inspiration behind your most recent single. What triggered the creative process for this specific piece?

My most recent single is called In Spirit and in Truth, released May 10th. It started with me messing around on my acoustic guitar and stumbling upon the chord progression you’ll hear in the verse, and then over time the chorus chord progression came to me along with some vocal melody ideas. At that point I still wasn’t sure if the song would ever evolve into something release-worthy, but then the bridge idea came (my favorite part of the song) and I realized I had something special. As it usually goes, I had all the guitar parts and vocal melody worked out but had no idea what lyrics to write, so I prayed about it. God steered me towards John 4, where Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman and a well and tells her some profound truths.

In what way do you anticipate your latest song resonating with your existing fan base and attracting new listeners? What message or emotions do you aim for listeners to glean from the song?

When my wife first heard the finished version she said “it’s very David Raybuck”. I don’t claim to be the most unique or innovative musician out there, but I have landed in a niche that has resonated with a lot of folks because I try to strike a balance between being too normal and too weird by being catchy yet adventurous. In Spirit and in Truth is a lively alt-rock tune that should amp up listeners and take them on an exciting journey. I think fans of Radiohead, Queens of the Stone Age, and The Smashing Pumpkins will enjoy it.

How does this track contribute to the overarching narrative or theme of your upcoming album or project?

In Spirit and in Truth is the 4th single that will be part of my upcoming album, and like the others, it seeks to help people encounter God through music. I know many people, including myself, who find most mainstream Christian music to be extremely cringy and generic. I’m trying to reach the music freaks out there who may or may not be seeking music about faith, but who might appreciate eclectic songs that promote light instead of the darkness that is so pervasive in music.

Maintaining creativity and motivation can be challenging. Do you have any rituals or habits that you find instrumental in sustaining your artistic drive?

The habit that is absolutely critical is to treat it with the same level of discipline as going to work or going to the gym. There are plenty of times when it is fun, but there are also plenty of times where it is a grind and when you don’t have a boss holding you accountable, it’s tempting to slack off. Just as it can be hard to get back into the gym after a hiatus, it can be a challenge to get back into the studio or engage in marketing efforts if I take more than a brief break, so I try to do it even when I don’t feel like it.

Do you have any upcoming projects or releases that you’re particularly enthusiastic about? Can you offer any teasers or details?

I am almost finished recording my next single that is yet to be named, so I will be announcing a release date for that soon. It is turning out better than I expected and I’m really excited about it. I think my fans who like my songs Abide and On the Rock or the Sand will really enjoy this one, as it uses a lot of electronic/synth sounds to create something melancholically beautiful. Folks who want to receive the release announcement can subscribe to my mailing list at

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